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History is life for all of us.


Svetlana Alexievich, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature 2015, says like this in her book “Voices From Chernobyl.” “A destiny is one person’s life and, history is life for all of us. I would like to tell history by preserving destiny.” 
Sungtae Jung, who has been taking my lecture over the last three years and has been working on a project, perhaps shows our lives of the future and their destinies as Alexievich’s writing by documenting Chernobyl contaminated by radioactivity and images of people who were deported. 
His works, which was photographed through six visits of the far and unfamiliar area and the place still with an uneasy access, clearly demonstrate tough history of Chernobyl area. 
In the meantime, his interests for the neglected things, which has brought his attention, are to develop into a theme touched, stroked the pain of mankind; therefore, his future work is further expected. 

Bohnchang Koo
Professor, Photographer, Kyungil University, Republic of Korea

ⓒ Jung Sungtae. All rights reserved.

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